
....change is like the boogie man....

...Creeping up out of the shadows, ready and waiting to pounce on you the moment you let your guard down. Change, good or bad is scary. For me it seems to be my own personal Boogie Man. Lately change just seems to not want to leave me alone, constantly lurking about hanging over head waiting for a chance to turn me into a nervous wreck.

...For the past three summers change is simply all that has occurred in my life. When looking on the bright side there has been a lot of good and exciting change. The type of boogie man experience that occurs when you finally realize your a fool for being scared of a cute fluffy kitten... like getting married, Preston graduating college, moving, and having a baby have been the scary but cute and fun change.

...Unfortunately though there's good and bad in everything and we can't experience life without the big hairy Boogie Man scary kind of change . A lot of the change has been just that scary, hairy and... trying. Without getting into all the hairy details, much of this change we have experienced has been emotionally draining and to tell the truth exhausting.

...The whole point of this post is for me to just be able to write down my thoughts and to get them out of my head. So that when I experience more change I can read this and be reminded of what I have learned. I have very slowly come to learn that even though I have experienced a high concentration of change in the past two years it's my responsibility to lean on my faith in the gospel, in my Savior, and my tender mercy of a husband. I have also discovered that there really is no such thing as bad change, it's just change. It's up to me and my family to figure out how to deal with it, while relying on Heavenly Father to lighten the load. Also, he can't help me if I'm not willing to be helped. The little everyday things like prayer, scripture study, magnifying my callings, temple attendance, and paying our tithing bring the spirit near. which shows a yearning for help from Father in Heaven...

...I know that at some piont things will calm down and my life might someday seem boring. But until then i guess, bring on the Boogie Man!...

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