
mommy moment...

Deakon burned his hand today...

...On my curling iron *sigh*

One paniced rush to the sink for cold water, Aloe Vera, bandages, and a phone call to the doctor later ....
He still cried for at least thirty minutes...

He was crying, I was crying, and Preston wasn't sure how to comfort us both...

My heart hurt just as much as his tiny hand hurt and I was mad at myself for letting my jedi-mom guard down for two seconds...

As I was rocking him to sleep tonight looking over his tiny hand thinking of how hard it was to see him in pain it dawned on me...Heavenly Father had to send his son to earth knowing exactly what Christ was going to suffer, how people were going to treat him... yelled at, mocked, spit on, and crucified.
...So that we, his other sons and daughters could return to him again. I can't begin to imagine how much his heart ached, yet he was willing to let it happen, and Christ our Savior was ever so willing to endure. All for us. All for me. How grateful I am for that sacrifice. How grateful I am to be a mom, to have that special spirit entrusted to Preston and I. 

I know I can't protect Deakon from all the hurt and bad in this world. This accident was the first of many (hopefully not to many). To be honest, he's ok. He's using his hand and not favoring it in anyway.(we got lucky, although tomorrow I'm probably going to take him in to get it looked at, just to make sure). It is however blistered, red and purple (I'll spare the pictures)
...The testimony that I have of the plan of salvation, and the sealing power that takes place in temples brings  me comfort and helps me get through these tough mommy moments. 

Heavenly Father and our Savior knew exactly what they were doing even though it was painful ..... 


  1. You are an amazing person Devrie! Thanks for sharing your testimony. Love to read your blog. Hope you are all doing well, and that his hand gets better soon!

  2. Poor Deakon. You're an awesome mommy Devry. We really miss you guys!


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